Optional field to be used only when the kind is tag. It should specify the tag name, which is the same as the key you used in the tags dictionary during the interaction submission.
The values of the selected filter you want to filter on. Note that all the values passed in
the list are considered to be in “or” the one with the other. This means that if the kind is
“topic” and the passed values are “value A”, “value B”, this is equal to topic="value A" or topic="value B".
Filters you can use to get data based only on the interactions you are interested in.
If no value is give, the total aggregated values among the desired interactions are returned.
Optional field to be used only when the kind is tag. It should specify the tag name, which is the same as the key you used in the tags dictionary during the interaction submission.
Optional additional group by filters. These group by filters can be used to further refine the aggregations, splitting the selected variables for the main group by into more detailed categories using the additional filters.
Optional field to be used only when the kind is tag. It should specify the tag name, which is the same as the key you used in the tags dictionary during the interaction submission.