A quick start guide to get you up and embedding nebuly’s platform main pages directly into your platform.

Step 1: Get a Nebuly API Key

To authenticate on the nebuly platform thorough the exposed API you will need an API key.

Api keys are uniquely mapped to projects. If you are considering to show different data to each of your users (or user groups), we suggest to create a project per user (or user group) and assign a different API key to each of them.

You can create an API key directly from the nebuly platform:

  • Head to ⚙️ settings and navigate to “project settings”;
  • Create a new project (if you don’t have one already) and give it a name (e.g. Internal chatbot);
  • Copy the nebuly default_key that has been assigned to the project.

Now you can start using the exposed API and embed the main analytics information.

Step 2: Embed the pages you are interested in

Here are three different endpoints you can call to retrieve all the data currently shown on the platform:

  • Get Interaction Aggregates: Use this endpoint to retrieve various aggregated metrics based on the row interactions.
  • Get Interactions: Use this endpoint to access detailed information at the row interaction level.
  • Get Interaction Time-Series: Use this endpoint to obtain the data required for creating the time-series charts displayed on the platform.


To replicate the charts from the overview page, call the Get Interaction Time-Series endpoint with the granularity set to “day”. This will return all the daily metrics needed for the charts. Aggregate values, like the total number of interactions, can be obtained from the Get Interaction Aggregates endpoint without setting the group_by parameter.

User Intelligence

The main information displayed on the user intelligence page can be obtained from the Get Interaction Aggregates endpoint by setting the group_by parameter to the desired type, such as “intent”, “negative_user_intent”, or “keyword”. Detailed information can be retrieved from the Get Interactions endpoint by applying filters for the selected intent, negative intent, or keyword.

User Feedback

The main information displayed on the user feedback page can be obtained from the Get Interaction Aggregates endpoint by setting the group_by parameter to the desired type, such as “negative_implicit_feedback”, “negative_explicit_feedback”, “positive_implicit_feedback”, or “positive_explicit_feedback”. Detailed information can be retrieved from the Get Interactions endpoint by applying filters for the selected feedback type.

Create a Project with API Key Programmatically

You can create new projects and API keys directly from the endpoint. The only requirement is to have an existing API key on the platform with the necessary permissions. To create a new project, call the Create Project endpoint, authenticating with the API key as a bearer token. The endpoint will then return the new API key.

This solution is ideal for situations requiring data separation between different bots or customers, allowing you to self-serve customers with Nebuly Analytics.